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How To Make Ideas and How They Travel, KTU engineering lyceum course
How to Raise an Inventor, open courses
How to make ideas
Cycle 1. Energy transformations: how to use / apply them efficiently
Lesson 1. appendixes 1-5
Lesson 1. appendixes 1-5
Lesson 1 appendix.pdf
link to view the file.
◄ Lesson 1. Types and transformations of energy
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Lesson 1. Types and transformations of energy
Lesson 1, appendix 6, movie clip 1, Hamster Energy
Lesson 1, appendix 7, movie clip 2, WInd Energy
Lesson 2. Renewable and non-renewable energy resources. Nature-inspired engineering decisions.
Lesson 2. appendixes 1-2
Lesson 2, video appendix, Renewable Energy
Lesson 3. Energy in the human body
Lesson 3. appendix
Lesson 4. Calculating energy and the energy balance
Lesson 4. appendix
Lesson 5. Variety of sensors and their possible uses
Lesson 5. appendix
Lessons 6-7 Creative engineering and design ideas. Designing and manufacturing a product/its package
Lessons 6-7 appendixes 1-6
Video appendix 6-7
Lesson 8. Creation and implementation of engineering ideas using innovative technologies
Lesson 8. appendix
Lesson 8, video appendix, 3D modeling and 3D printing
Lessons 9-12 How engineering ideas are born and how they travel
Lessons 9-12 appendix
Video appendix 9
Video appendix 10
Video appendix 11
Lesson 1, appendix 6, movie clip 1, Hamster Energy ►
How to make ideas
Cycle 1. Energy transformations: how to use / apply them efficiently
cycle 2. creative engineering and design ideas
Cycle 3. Idea of sustainable development - challenge for science and engineering